Lung Meridian (LU)
Starts in front of the shoulder. Runs down the top edge of the inner arm.
Ends at the thumb.
Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
Runs from the index fingertip up the top edge of the back of the arm. Across the shoulder and up the throat. Ends just below the nose on opposite side.
Spleen Meridian (SP)
Runs from the big toe up the inside of the leg. Across the abdomen and up the side of the chest. Ends on the ribcage underneath the shoulder.
Stomach Meridian (ST)
Begins under the eye and descends to the jaw, before looping back up to the forehead. Then drops back down and runs through the throat, chest and abdomen. And on down the front of the legs to the second toe.
Heart Meridian (HT)
Starts near the armpit and runs down the lower edge of the inner arm. Ends at the tip of the little finger.
Small Intestine Meridian (SI)
Runs from the tip of the little finger up the lower back of the arm. Behind the shoulder, then up the side of the neck and cheek. Ends in front of the ear.
Kidney Meridian (KI)
Begins on the sole of the foot and runs up the inner leg and central torso. Ends under the collarbone.
Bladder Meridian (BL or UB)
Starts near the inside corner of the eye and runs up the skull where it works outwards before running down the back (with several branches). And on down the back of the leg. Ends outside the little toe.
Pericardium Meridian (PC)
Starts in the middle of the chest. One branch descends to the diaphragm, while another runs along the centre of the inner arm. Ends at the middle fingertip.
Triple Burner Meridian (TB)
Runs from the tip of the ring finger up the centre of the back of the arm. Up the side of the neck and around the ear. Ends at the outer tip of the eyebrow. (Also known as Triple Warmer TW / Triple Energiser TE or San Jiao).
Liver Meridian (LV or Li)
Runs from the big toe up the front of the inner leg and across the torso. Ends below the nipple.
Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)
Begins at the outer corner of the eye. Zig-zags over the ear, skull and forehead, then runs down the back of the skull. And on down the side of the body and leg. Ends at the fourth toe.
*cited by 'Katoka'.
Yours in TCM,
By 36.