insomnia - excess heat - tendency to feel hot and bothered - dry scalp - restless legs - racing mind - fluid retention - low boundaries - grief
Restore peace to a restless spirit and silence an over-active mind.
From a TCM perspective, when the tranquility of Shen is disturbed, insomnia and restless sleep often result. For undisturbed sleep, it is important for Shen to be properly supported and nourished, whilst the spirit needs to be anchored.
TCM indicates that insomnia/inability to sleep soundly, indicates a dysfunction or imbalance within the heart, liver, spleen, kidney or gallbladder, in particular.
For example, it is said that trouble falling asleep could be an indication of excess heat in the liver and/or gall bladder. The tendency to wake up and not be able to fall back to sleep could indicate deficiencies in the heart, while being woken by nightmares is associated with a gall bladder meridian disorder.
Place 2 drops under tongue, twice daily, for 1 month.
100% natural Chinese Herbal Liquid Drops, formulated by our Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Australia.
Ingredients: Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra), Mei Gui Hua (Rosebud), Hong Zao (Date)
Wu Wei Zi- is astringent and calms the shen, calming the Heart-mind to prepare the body for relaxed and deep sleep. Schisandra is traditionally used as a calming herb for the nervous system, and is used for insomnia with dream disturbances and nightsweats.
Mei Gui Hua - calms and relaxes the liver, heart and the spirit. Used traditionally for mental overactivity and restlessness at night, disturbed sleep and insomnia
Hong Zao- tonifies the spleen, tonifies the heart and heart blood to secure and anchor the spirit for insomnia with difficulty falling asleep. Also for low energy and anaemia.